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Author: Brody Pennell

What are UV Air Treatment Systems?

Did you know that there are areas of your HVAC system where mold and bacteria like to hang out? These organisms can start to grow in the indoor coil and drain pan of your air conditioning unit and impact airflow and efficiency. Not to mention, these organisms can also become airborne, negatively affecting the air that you and your family breathe.

A UV air treatment system is designed to kill the mold and bacteria that collect in the moist environment of your home or office HVAC system. Using the natural power of UV light, these systems help significantly improve indoor air quality while keeping your HVAC equipment running efficiently.

Benefits of Ultraviolet Air Treatment Systems

Whether they are hard at work in the office, relaxing at home, or running errands at various stores, many people spend the majority of their day inside. What they may not consider is that indoor air is often just as dirty (or dirtier) than the air outside. Every time you enter your home from outdoors, you may be tracking in mold, bacteria, dust, dander, pollen, and other organisms that can impact the quality of the air you breathe. Ultraviolet air treatment systems help improve indoor air quality by killing airborne bacteria and germs that pass through your ductwork.

You may be wondering if your home or office needs an ultraviolet air treatment system. A germicidal UV lamp can help those who suffer from asthma, allergies, frequent cold and flu symptoms, headaches, runny nose, sore throat, itchy or watery eyes, and even fatigue. In fact, a single UV lamp model kills up to 70% of airborne bacteria in your air conditioning system while a coil irradiation model kill sup to 99.9% of surfaced mod on your cooling coil and other central AC components.

In addition to improving indoor air quality, these UV systems also protect your heating and cooling equipment and can improve the performance of your HVAC system. This is because particle buildup can restrict airflow and cause your system to work harder than it needs to when heating or cooling your home.

Carrier Germicidal UV Lamps

Carrier, a leader and innovator in home comfort systems, offers Germicidal UV Lamps as part of their Performance™ Series. These lamps kill mold and bacteria that start to grow on the indoor coil of your air conditioning unit. By eliminating these organisms, the UV lamps not only improve your home’s indoor air quality, but also increase system performance by allowing your system to run more efficiently. As a Carrier dealer, Brody Pennell can help you choose and install the Carrier Germicidal UV lamps that are a fit for your home comfort needs.

UV air treatment systems can be extremely effective at helping purify the air in your home or office, making it possible for everyone to breathe a bit easier. However, these systems are only effective if they are the right system for your home or office space and if they are installed properly in your HVAC system.

If you are interested in installing a UV air treatment system or any other indoor air quality product in your home, contact us today. Our HVAC experts will help you find the IAQ products and systems that are right for you and your home comfort needs.

Going Green While Saving Green: How to Increase Energy Efficiency and Lower HVAC Costs

Today it seems like there are so many green products on the market, it may be hard to determine which environmentally-friendly products are right for you and your family. But you don’t have to be an environmentalist to see that increasing energy efficiency is both beneficial to the environment and your wallet. When it comes to your HVAC system, there are a few ways that you can increase efficiency while saving money in the long run.

How to Increase Energy Efficiency and Lower HVAC Costs

There are many simple steps that you can take right now to help increase your energy efficiency and lower HVAC costs. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to making your heating and cooling unit run smoother and more efficiently while also preventing unnecessary wear and tear to your HVAC system:

  1. Change your air filter regularly.

This is one of the easiest things that business and homeowners can do to improve the energy efficiency of their HVAC system. Yet so many people forget to change the air filter on a regular basis. A dirty or clogged filter slows down air flow, making your HVAC system work harder than it needs to when heating or cooling your home or office building. This wastes energy and can also lead to costly maintenance as dust and dirt builds up within the system.

  1. Make sure your heating and cooling ducts are properly sealed and insulated.

Ducts move air to and from your central air conditioner or forced air furnace. When there are cracks or air leaks in your duct system, this can become a real energy waster. By sealing and insulating ducts that run through the attic, garage, and other crawl spaces, you can help cut down on energy loss. In fact, according to Energy Star, sealing and insulating your air ducts can improve HVAC energy-efficiency by as much as 20 percent.

  1. Make sure that your HVAC system coils are clean.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a dirty evaporator coil decreases airflow, which can cause an increase in compressor energy consumption by about 30 percent. That is why it is important to have your home or building’s HVAC system condenser and evaporator coils inspected and cleaned each year. Not only will this help improve efficiency, but it can help prolong the life of the unit, saving you even more money over time.

  1. Get an annual HVAC tune-up from a professional technician.

All homeowners should get an HVAC tune-up once a year from a qualified HVAC technician. Studies show that effective HVAC preventative maintenance can cut energy costs by 5 to 40 percent depending on the system and equipment in your home. Not to mention regular maintenance can also extend the life of the equipment and improve its ability to keep your home comfortable throughout the year.

If you would like more information on how you can increase energy efficiency, contact the HVAC experts at Brody Pennell today. We would love to discuss all of your home comfort options with you from new energy-efficient HVAC systems to affordable upgrades.

Do I Really Need an Air Purifier?

You want to keep your family safe and happy, and a big part of that is creating a home environment that is both comfortable and healthy. The indoor air quality of your home not only impacts your home comfort, but it can also play a significant role in your family’s health. An air purifier is one option that you may consider to improve indoor air quality and create a healthier home space.

What is an Air Purifier?

An air purifier is a device which helps to remove harmful particles from the air in your home. Using high-efficiency filters, these devices trap dust, dirt, pet dander, and other contaminants before they can circulate through your home air. An air purifier can be a standalone device used to clean the air in one room or they can be incorporated into your home HVAC system for whole house air purification.

These devices are often recommended for asthmatics and those who have breathing difficulties. For this reason, air purifiers are often used in hospitals to protect those with weakened immune systems. Air purifiers help to reduce the amount of allergens in a home or office setting, helping to improve the quality of your indoor air and help everyone breathe a little easier.

Signs You May Need an Air Purifier

For most homeowners, a standard air filter that is changed regularly can offer sufficient indoor air quality. However, others may need more protection Here are some signs that your home may benefit from an air purifier:

  • You or a member of your family suffers from asthma. Asthma attacks can be triggered by harmful particles in the air you breathe. An air purifier helps provide cleaner air for those who have asthma or other respiratory conditions.
  • You or a family member have severe allergy symptoms. Even the smallest number of particles in the air can trigger symptoms for those who suffer from severe allergies. An air purifier can help reduce the amount of pollutants so that allergy sufferers can breathe easier.
  • You or a family member have a weakened immune system. Those with weakened immune systems, such as young infants or elderly family members, may be more susceptible to developing respiratory issues. Air purifiers help reduce the chances of these family members being affected by air pollution.

Not everyone needs an air purifier and not all air purifiers are created equal. If you are thinking about purchasing one of these devices, you should speak with an experienced HVAC technician who can help recommend the best device for your home. Though it may be easy to install a standalone device, standard HVAC systems are not equipped to handle HEPA filters and will require an experienced HVAC tech to modify the system.

If you need help finding the right indoor air quality products for you, the HVAC experts at Brody Pennell are only a phone call away. Whether you are interested in better air filter options or you want a whole home air purifier, we can help you find the best systems and products to meet your home comfort needs. Contact us today for more information.

Improving the Performance of Your HVAC System Over Time

HVAC systems are complex, expensive systems to replace. Luckily, homeowners can take steps to get more out of their existing systems. With proper care and maintenance, many homeowners can extend the lives of their systems years beyond the average life expectancy. Here’s what you need to know.

The Average Life of an HVAC System

Central heating and air-conditioning systems should last for years. With typical care and use, most systems will last 15 to 20 years. However, many homeowners can increase that time by several years if they follow industry-recommended maintenance schedules and invest in high-quality products as needed.

Keeping Your HVAC System Maintained

Investing time and money in maintenance tasks can improve your system’s performance, improve energy savings, and extend the life expectancy of your current unit.

Invest in a Yearly Tune-Up

See if your local HVAC service provider offers any deals for customers who maintain an annual tune-up appointment. Your equipment will require regular support over its lifetime (just like a car or a tractor), and a trusted HVAC professional can serve as an invaluable, money-saving resource for maintenance, repairs, and replacement services.

Change the Air Filter

Follow the recommended guidelines for changing the air filter in your unit. Pay attention to the level of dust and debris captured in each filter to determine if you need to change the filter more frequently. Keeping up with air filter changes will improve the overall air quality and prevent dust and other allergens from building up in the air and causing health and operational issues.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Products

If you need to replace any component within your system, look for products with efficiency ratings from EnergyStar, MERV, and other industry guidelines. Choosing high-quality energy-efficient products allows your system to perform at its peak level for longer periods.

Ask for Professional Installations

An improperly installed system or component may cause problems down the road. Always work with an HVAC professional to ensure your system receives the best installation and service over time.

Switch to a Modern Thermostat

programmable or smart thermostat allows users to maintain energy-efficient settings throughout the year. Use programmed settings or remote capabilities to manage your system regardless of your presence at home.

Do Not Block Air Vents

Heating and air-conditioning systems need a balance of incoming and outgoing air. Do not place boxes, wall hangings, or rugs on top of air vents to prevent the accumulation of particles and the risk of mold.

The Right Service Provider for Your HVAC System

In addition to routine maintenance, owners of long-lasting HVAC systems don’t hesitate to contact a trusted heating and air conditioning service provider. You may be able to perform some maintenance and repair tasks yourself, but a professional has the knowledge and equipment to handle significant repairs and replacements. Maintain a strong relationship with an HVAC provider to make the most of every maintenance call and installation.

We would love to help you keep your HVAC system maintained in the long term. Please contact us with any questions or to schedule a service appointment with one of our experienced HVAC technicians.

Are All Air Filters the Same? Understanding the Various Types of Air Filters

An air filter is an integral part of a heating and cooling system. It traps small particles in the air as it circulates through the system and keeps them from going back into the building. These particles may cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and other health issues.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers has been encouraging the adoption of air filters with a minimum MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value). MERV measures the ability of a filter to remove particles both large and small.

Different Types of Air Filters

A few types of available air filters meet necessary standards and are common in both residential and commercial systems.

Fiberglass Panel Filters

Fiberglass filters are layers of interwoven glass strands supported by a metal frame to prevent collapse. Fiberglass filters are the most common panel or square filter and are meant to be thrown away and replaced after roughly a year of use.

Polyester and Other Panel Filters

Panel filters also come in materials other than fiberglass. These air filters are more effective but more expensive and are meant to be replaced annually.

Pleated Filters

These are similar to the traditional panel filter, but the added pleats increase the filter’s energy efficiency by as much as five times. The pleats also increase filtration capabilities. Pleated filters must be replaced yearly.

Washable HVAC Filters

Washable filters are more cost effective than panel or pleated filters, because they do not need replacing, only regular cleaning. Cleaning consists of rinsing the filter off with water and letting it dry before putting it back in the system. Small HVAC systems often use washable filters, but larger systems can use them as well.


High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters most often are made from fiberglass, but the fibers are arranged to be far more effective than those in a fiberglass panel filter. A HEPA filter removes 99.7% of all particles from the air passing through it. These filters are especially helpful in the homes of allergy or asthma sufferers.

Electrostatic Air Filters

Rather than counting on a fine mesh to capture airborne particulates, electrostatic filters attract and trap particles with an electrostatic charge. They have this charge naturally and do not need electricity to keep it. Electrostatic filters offer better filtration than panel filters and do not need to be replaced, only wiped clean regularly.

Green HVAC Filters

Green filters offer a more economical and environmentally friendly alternative to fiberglass panel filters. These filters typically are made from cotton, although other green materials may be used. They do need to be replaced, but on a less-frequent schedule than other panel filters, resulting in a lower overall cost. Green filters are roughly equal in filtration capabilities to fiberglass panel filters.

The multiple types of air filters for heating and cooling systems offer home and business owners options in terms of filtration capabilities, maintenance, and cost. Choosing the right filter can save money and result in better health. If you need help purchasing the best filter for your home needs, give us a call today.

8 Ways to Soak Up Your Favorite Season in Los Angeles

Fall in Los Angeles has none of the tell-tale signs that it might in other parts of the country. There are no dramatic color changes. The temperatures remain warm, and the weather is sunny. Though fall in Los Angeles may not be typical, it still offers a number of great opportunities to soak up the warm weather and enjoy fall festivities.

Things to Do in Fall in Los Angeles

There are so many great ways to enjoy the fall weather and festivities in Los Angeles. Here are 8 of our favorite things to do in fall in Los Angeles:

  1. Take a trip to one of the many pumpkin patches in LA. It may be 80 degrees outside, but as October approaches, it is time to enjoy the annual pumpkin carving and pie-making activities that make fall one of your favorite seasons.
  2. Go on a whale watching cruise. Although most people consider a cruise more of a summer activity, the warm fall weather in Los Angeles makes it the perfect time to encounter a whale on the California coast.
  3. Head to Universal Studios Hollywood. Though the weather is by no means chilly, it has gotten cooler since summer, making it ideal for spending a day at the theme park. Since the children are back in school and many of the summer tourists have left, you can also enjoy shorter lines.
  4. Enjoy a refreshing bike ride along the Santa Monica Beach. Now that many summer tourists have left, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of the open boardwalks with a fun bike ride on the beach. If you don’t have a bike, you can rent one at the boardwalk.
  5. Hike the trails in Griffith Park. The slightly cooler weather makes fall the best time to enjoy the great outdoors. Taking a hike in Griffith Park is a great way to spend a fall afternoon.
  6. Dress up and enjoy the fun. Los Angeles has some of the best costume parties around. After you create the perfect costume, you can buy a ticket to one of the many, many costume parties in LA. Having a hard time choosing? Go to more than one!
  7. Enjoy a concert at one of the many venues in Los Angeles. If you enjoy seeing your favorite bands play live, fall is the perfect time to catch some big headliners at one of the many venues across town. From secret shows to free concerts, there is live music to be heard every night of the week!
  8. Check out Knott’s Scary Farm. If you are looking for some Halloween festivities and love haunted houses, you will not want to miss Knott’s Scary Farm at Knott’s Berry Farm. The historic theme park offers a variety of spooky attractions from mazes to haunted hospitals to stage performances. Knott’s Spooky Farm is a more kid-friendly version that’s fun for the whole family.

Having trouble staying cool and comfortable this fall? We have all your HVAC needs covered. Contact us today for an HVAC system tune-up or inspection

DON’T Put Your Home on the Market without Inspecting These 6 Things

If you are selling your home, you may be wondering whether or not you need a home inspection. Many sellers wait for the buyer to take the initiative. However, getting a home inspection before you put your house on the market can be beneficial in many ways. A pre-inspection reassures prospective buyers and saves you time and money by spotting any major issues ahead of time.

Home Inspection Check-List

Even if you decide not to get a full home inspection before putting your house on the market, there are a few things that you should inspect beforehand to avoid any major surprises later when your interested buyer asks for an inspection. Here are the top home elements to add to your inspection check-list:

  1. Structural Components

The structural components of your home affect how long the home will stand up to forces like weather and gravity. An inspector will thoroughly evaluate the foundation, framing, and other structural components during the home inspection to get a better idea of how sound the home structure is.

  1. Roofing

Buyers typically shy away from homes that need a roof replacement, so having your roof inspected can give you a better idea of whether or not you may need to replace your roof before putting your home on the market. The inspector will look at the roof covering, draining systems, skylights, and chimneys.

  1. Plumbing

Though working plumbing used to be a luxury, today it’s pretty standard. You will want to make sure that your plumbing system is properly installed and operating effectively before showing your home to potential buyers. The inspector will examine the water supply and drainage systems, hot water heating equipment, and the fuel storage systems to make sure they are all in working order.

  1. Electrical Components

A safe, working electrical system is essential in any home. An inspector will evaluate many different electrical components including service entrance wires, service panels, breakers and fuses. Some common areas of concern that will need to be fixed before putting your home on the market include undersized electrical service, double taps, and overheated wires

  1. Exteriors

Not only does the exterior of your home make an important first impression on potential buyers, but it can also have some red flags when it comes to safety that are important to fix before selling your house. An inspector will look at exterior components of your home to make sure it is easy to enter and exit the building and ensure that the exterior adequately keeps weather away from the structure and interior of the home. Common areas of concern are windows, siding, railing, and steps.

  1. Heating and Air Conditioning Systems

Buyers are usually looking for homes that are move-in ready without any immediate need for major repairs. That’s why having a working HVAC system is important before putting your home on the market. Some common HVAC issues that the inspector will look for are damaged condenser fins, disconnected ductwork, and leaking boilers.

Thinking about putting your home on the market? Call us today for a thorough HVAC inspection and tune-up.

Why You Need An HVAC Commission

One of the most important systems in your newly constructed home is the HVAC system. It will keep your home’s temperature regulated and, when commissioned and installed appropriately, save energy and keep your home environmentally friendly. If you need to commission an HVAC system but aren’t sure where to begin, let Brody Pennell help.

What Is HVAC Commissioning?

Simply put, HVAC commissioning is the thorough testing of your HVAC system’s performance. Although you are paying a contractor to build and install an HVAC system, there is no guarantee it will work perfectly after installation. To ensure it does, it’s best to have the system tested before, during, and after the building process. Commissioning saves homeowners money on maintenance costs, as well as the time it would take to repair or even replace an HVAC system. Commissioning also alerts you to potential problems before they happen, such as a system that’s prone to overheating.

Do I Need An HVAC Commission?

Many homeowners are unsure whether HVAC commissioning is necessary and are leery of spending money on one. However, you should commission any mechanical system in your new home, including the HVAC system.

Commissioning will make it easier to upgrade your HVAC system when needed. For example, if you live in a naturally hot area, you may need to upgrade chillers sooner than you estimated. Boilers, pumps, and heat exchangers may undergo wear and tear during harsh weather, leading to expensive repairs. An HVAC commission will ensure that your system has all the proper equipment when it is installed and that it all works at optimum levels.

Who Will Perform My Commission?

Usually the contractor who installed your system will be the same person who commissions it. If the contractor is unwilling or unable to do this, you must find a reputable commissioning agent immediately. During a commission, the contractor or other agent will simulate different operating conditions to test how well the system works and alert you to possible problems. Commissioning ensures these problems are fixed during installation, not left until the last minute or ignored until the project is complete and the contractor has already left.

During an HVAC commission, your contractor will mount and secure your HVAC box and ensure all controls are accessible. He or she will check each part of the system, such as fan belts, motors, coils, and piping to be sure they are installed properly and do not have wear and tear that might prevent them from working.

The contractor will check to see all system parts such as unit supply fans, dampers, and valves respond on command, and that start and stop times are programmed into the HVAC system properly. If any problems occur, the contractor will isolate the issue and devote time to it until it is resolved.

Learn More About HVAC Commissioning [H2]

If you wish to learn more about HVAC commissioning or want to schedule one, please call Brody Pennell or visit us online. Our associates are well versed in commissioning and will walk you through each step of the process.

What You Should Know About Counterfeit R-22 Coolants

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry is phasing out R-22 coolants for use with residential and commercial air conditioning systems. R-22, has been the coolant of choice since it replaced R-40 as a more ozone-friendly refrigerant. Over the next few years, A/C companies will slowly stop using R-22 for the same reason in exchange for newer, more environmentally friendly coolants.

This phase-out is making R-22 more difficult to find today and more expensive for contractors to use. Unfortunately for home and business owners, this provides an opportunity for scammers to sell cheaper R-22 alternatives”(e.g., counterfeit R-22) to contractors. These coolant alternatives are actually unsafe chemical cocktails that can prove life threatening under the wrong circumstances.

Counterfeit R-22 Floods The HVAC Market

HVAC contractors looking to save money at their customers’ expense might buy illegally imported R-22 knockoffs from China or elsewhere. While there are plenty of genuine, viable alternatives to R-22, counterfeit products can be flammable, explosive, and even deadly. Counterfeit R-22 can be made up of fatal chemical blends such as R-40, R-134a, and other refrigerants containing methyl chloride or chloromethane. When exposed to air, heat, and/or moisture, these volatile chemicals can cause violent reactions.

There have been several cases of marine refrigerated containers exploding and causing major material damage as well as operator deaths. These explosions were the result of counterfeit R-22 substitutes containing dangerous combinations of coolants. While reports of fires and explosions are rare, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reported cases in the United States and abroad of people suffering injury after using unapproved air conditioner coolants.

Preventing An R-22 Refrigerant Scam

Pumping your A/C system with counterfeit coolants can expose your home, family, or business to several dangers. Not only does counterfeit R-22 put you at risk of severe HVAC system damage, including charred or melted components, but you also risk a fire, explosion, and injury. Keep your system safe and up to code by being coolant-savvy with your technician.

Check the labels on the refrigerants your heating and air conditioning company uses before allowing workers to replace your coolant. Verify that the label is a trustworthy brand, such as DuPont or any other legitimate company, and clearly states R-22” not “R-22a,” “HC-12a,” or another non-EPA approved coolant name. Ask to see your technician’s certification, and choose a different company if they don’t let you.

Certified Technicians Are The Only Option

When you need a trustworthy, responsible heating and air conditioning company in the Greater Los Angeles area for coolant replacement, trust Brody Pennell. Our HVAC technicians are expertly trained to provide top-notch service, helping local homes and businesses with their A/C needs for over 50 years. We also use name-brand R-22 coolant for repairs and won’t hesitate to show you our EPA certification. Contact us online or call today to set up an appointment.

A Basic Guide To Heat Pump Shopping

At Brody-Pennell Heating and Air Conditioning, we have a large selection of heat pumps. However, we find that many clients don’t understand what they are or how they work. Here’s our brief guide to heat pumps and their benefits.

Learn About Heat Pumps: 101

Households in moderate climates such as Los Angeles benefit greatly from heat pumps. Contrary to what the name suggests, these units manage heating and cooling inside a home. Pumps function similarly to a refrigerator, using electricity to move hot air out of the house in summer and into the home in winter.

Heat pumps don’t actively generate air—they relocate it. This cuts down on energy expenditures and reduces costs by as much as 75% compared to traditional heating and cooling methods. Furnaces and air conditioners are significantly less energy-efficient than pump units.

There are three major kinds of air pumps, each of which is ideal for different locations.

Choose The Pump That’s Best for You

The primary forms of heat pumps are air source, ground source, and water source. Each moves hot air in and out of the stated location (air, ground, or water) to manage your home’s temperature.

  • Air-source heat pumps have indoor and outdoor components that work together to transfer air. During the summer, fans within the inside portion of your pump pull hot air out of the home and relocate it outside. The void is then filled with cooler air. Come winter, this process is reversed to pull warm air into your house.
  • Ground-source heat pumps work similarly to air-source units. The primary difference is that warm air is pulled from (or distributed to) the soil rather than the atmosphere. A unit that works with the ground tends to be very energy-efficient because soil below the surface maintains a more regular temperature than air does. Less energy is therefore needed to cool a home. Your heating and air conditioning professional will survey the soil on your property to ensure that conditions are appropriate for this type of heat pump.
  • The final category of heat pump is water source. Heat is moved in and out of nearby water sources, providing the same efficiency as ground-source options. However, these units need access to underground water sources.

Contact Your Heating And Air Professional

Our award-winning experts at Brody-Pennell Heating and Air Conditioning can help you navigate the transition to heat pumps. We take every factor into account to select the most effective, energy-efficient, money-saving unit for your home. Our team prides itself on laying out upfront costs and long-term gains before starting any new installation. If you’re considering a heat pump or are interested in reducing energy consumption in your home, contact us; we’re here to help!

Erin C.
AC stopped blowing cold air, oh what fun to be an adult. From the initial call (“We’re gonna get someone there fast, can’t have us pretty girls getting too hot!”) to Octavio and David’s very thorough service, can’t recommend this company enough.
Jennifer S.
David Mares and Fabio Gomez were great. They came out quickly to assess the problem and explained everything in detail.
Jeff M.
Ivan and Ariel were amazing technicians and representatives of your company. They were thoughtful in how they explained our system and how they were maintaining it. They also went above and beyond in their service. Would give 6 stars if I could. We will be signing up for the annual membership service because of genuine, trustworthy and effective partners like Ivan and Ariel. Carissa who scheduled our service was awesome as well.
Sandra C.
Kevin had a delightful personality and was very efficient during his visit. Great service, thank you!5/17/24Ruben and Jason did a great and superb job.
Jonathan W.
Marco was very helpful! Great company. I recommend him for any work you need done on your ac!
Stefano N.
Emmith came out to repair and service my HVAC unit. The whole process with Brody Pennell was exceptional - from my initial call to the actual service by Emmith. Incredibly professional organization and my unit is working perfectly now. I would highly recommend Emmith and Brody PennellDaniel B and Juan de Jesus came out to service my units. They did an excellent job - very professional, thorough and courteous. Would highly recommend them and Brody Pennell
Alyssa N.
Juan Molina was so efficient and nice! Very helpful and professional!!!
Diana S.
Daniel and Richie were great! So friendly, clean, and professional. They were very respectful of our home and the surroundings. We are happy to have our HVAC unit cared for by them.
Olivia E.
James H and Armando N were super helpful and professional. Very efficient work and great at explaining the issues.
Barbara B.
Tristan and Leo h were clean, quiet and respectful.
Rosa O.
05/17 Juancho and Juan c stopped by to repair a thermostat issue. They were on time, professional and answered all my questions. Our AC is fully functional. Thank you.Daniel b and Dan R were right on time. They were professional and completed the work timely and efficiently.03/05/24 we had 2 other tech come out Daniel B and Ifthy and Alessandro . They listened to all my concerns regarding the AC system. After trouble shooting they came back and explained the system and how it works. He even explained what repairs he recommended. Great service. Thank you guys.
Patrick H.
Anthony Manzo was here and on time and well dressed and very professional 👍🏽👍🏽
J C.
The great service started with David for service, then to Brett who set us up with an amazing new system. Installation was rapid and efficient, everyone was very clean and polite. Thanks to Hilario V, Juan D and Michael M for your hard work and professionalism
barney A.
Kevin and Juancho did a great job.
lina T.
Rene is very helpful & knowledgeable!
Ryan Z.
Shawn was very thorough and knowledgeable about heating and air. And a nice young man. Also, Mike I., Raul I., Pablo P. And Diego B. Great group of guys! Hard working and fast!
David mares was very professional. He went above and beyond.
Ronald W.
Juan J Carbajal solved my furnace issues lickety split. Now I can be warm at will, without stress. 5 stars!!!
Daniel V.
Steven and Freddy were awesome! So kind and helpful with their maintenance call. Happy to be a member with them!
Mario M. R.
Anthony Manzo was very thorough and courteous. He did a great job.
elaine M.
Richie Salazar and Juan DeJesus were professional, answered all my questions, and were a pleasure to work with.
Patrick O.
James is everything you want in an hvac technician. He walked me through every step, documented everything, and explained in detail how every piece of my AC system work, even getting down into the nitty gritty science at times ( and then politely dumb it for me). He did all this with an easy going personality. 6/5 stars.
Mr. H.
Juan Carbajal and César corrales did a great job fixing my unit was here on time and very informative would recommend these guys 10005/16/2024Daniel B. and Maurice did a great job andgave us a lot of information on our units. They should be in an office.
Paizley L.
Ariel and Philip were great - on time - very thorough and kind
Chris L.
Daniel B and Maurice were very efficient and friendly
Joanie N.
Ivan is very cordial and efficient. Fabio is also fantastic!
Sophie K.
Rene did an excellent and thorough job. Jose came to fix AC and did an excellent job as well! Juan c was super friendly and speedy. Amazing job.
Hamish M.
The True Measure of a ContractorIt’s easy to give a company high marks when everything goes smoothly. But let’s face it, sometimes things don’t go smoothly. And the true measure of a contractor is revealed in how they respond when things go wrong. Brody Pennell simply sets the standard that all others should aspire to.In a nutshell, my wife and I hired these wonderful human beings to do a major job at our townhouse: replacing the 30-year-old rooftop HVAC unit with a new, energy efficient one. Of course, before choosing them, we did our due diligence, secured four different bids and read all the reviews, etc.Brody’s was certainly not the least expensive estimate we received. But they also weren’t the most expensive. (Those guys who have the fancy retro graphics on their trucks were the most expensive… and yet their rep did not offer us the better equipment options that Brody did, he was slow to follow up, and just didn’t seem to care about winning our business.) And on the flipside, there was a contractor whose bid came in much cheaper. But he suggested that getting a permit for a major crane operation over a public sidewalk on a shared-property condominium building should be considered optional – giant red flag.In addition to having great reviews and a reasonable price, our interactions with Brody’s rep, Brian, were great. He was extremely knowledgeable, ridiculously responsive and just gave off good vibes. So we happily went with Brody Pennell and are so glad we did. They sent out their foreman, Jaime – another kind, courteous, professional man – to scout the job, got it scheduled quickly, even though it was around the Thanksgiving holiday, and showed up exactly when they said they would with every visit. The big installation itself went swimmingly. And again the Brody techs that did the bulk of the work were great representatives for the company.Then, after the work was complete, a couple of problems revealed themselves. I won’t go into extreme detail on this. But due to the custom curb mounting that the new machine required, there was an increase in vibrations into the house, which was unexpected from a new, more efficient machine. And there was a roof leak issue that occurred during the unprecedented rains that we had last winter.For both issues, Brody was on their game without us having to push them. They were simply committed to making things right for us from the beginning. The head of the company, Mike Carson, dealt with us directly, every step of the way. And the entire Brody team did everything in their power to get the issues fixed. This required several visits to the house, and sourcing subcontractors to deal with certain issues. To be clear, this wasn’t convenient for either us or them. And Brody likely ended up losing money on this job. But that never stopped them from doing what they needed to in order to make things right.That is what separates a great contractor from a serviceable one. And that is why we will be customers of theirs for life and will always recommend Brody Pennell to anyone who needs HVAC work done.5-16-24 Update: Just had another seasonal maintenance visit. This time from Kevin and Juancho who were fantastic and thorough. Keep up the great work, guys!
Sandra N.
Juan Molina has done a very good job and been very healpful
Maggie M.
Kevin & Juancho are awesome! Gave us great service today!!
John A.
David Mares is great at explaining HVAC details.
Rene was very kind and thorough. And showed up on time. Thank you Rene.
Jordan L.
Very good - cleaned everything.
Michael D.
Christian,Ale and Jose did a fantastic job installing our units and testing them to perfection! Thanks for all your help!
Rebeca M.
Armando N and James H did a great job.
David H.
Juan Romo was efficient knowledgeable andCurtiousPleasant to work with
Eric Z.
Leo H and Tristen came to the house for my summer check up. They are simply the best…. Professional, knowledgeable and took the time to explain the wear and tear on my unit and what I needed and not needed for the summer and beyond. It is always great when you find people you can trust to get the job done and have your best interest in mind as they do their job. I will request to have them be my “go to” team and I suggest you do as well.
Olivette S.
Juancho did a terrific job and very professional.
Stephen D.
Kevin Lopez is very professional, personable and thorough. He answered all our questions with clear answers. He’s a great representative of Brody Pennell.
Marsha D.
Kevin was very thorough and extremely pleasant. Great job!
Robin L.
Ivan Diaz & Hilton K. Thank you !
Gail S.
I sincerely commend both David Mares and Ashton, his supervisor, for the extreme conscientiousness and attention they gave to my aging heating and air conditioning systems. They both explained and objectively proved the nature of my system's aging out failures, and I find them very trustworthy. I know they are trying to help me secure the best solution on my budget as a retired person. I appreciate their respective services, which occurred on May 12, 2024.
Edward W.
Richie Salazar did an outstanding job with our annual inspection. Very courteous and very professional.
Update 5/14/24 Desi and edward came to do our annual service and were extremely professional and friendly. They explained their work and took videos to explain to us, what was going on w the hvac unit on the roof.Rene my service tech was great. On time, courteous and helpful. He gave me some helpful tips for my thermostat and vent maintenance. Thank you.
Andre S.
Kevin and Maurice were great tecks, and gave friendly service
Audrey G.
Juan Romo was so polite and thorough. Showed me pictures of all the components and the issues. Broke down all of my options and explained everything. He was extremely careful in my home and left no dirty trace of work being done. !!!!! The doormat, booties and gloves they use is great too !!!
Jacob S.
Great work / customer service! Special shout out to Juan Molina and team!
Ashley B.
Juan Molina and Richard were so helpful and professional and very clean. Thank you for your help guys!
Pamela J.
Anthony Manzo,Brett Turner, Mike and Raul I, Ben T and Rafael A gave me great service and excellent recommendations. They made sure I understood everything. Thanks!Cesar C and Hilton K did a great repairing my problem. They were on time , efficient, courteous and neat. Thank you!

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Erin C.
AC stopped blowing cold air, oh what fun to be an adult. From the initial call (“We’re gonna get someone there fast, can’t have us pretty girls getting too hot!”) to Octavio and David’s very thorough service, can’t recommend this company enough.
Jennifer S.
David Mares and Fabio Gomez were great. They came out quickly to assess the problem and explained everything in detail.
Jeff M.
Ivan and Ariel were amazing technicians and representatives of your company. They were thoughtful in how they explained our system and how they were maintaining it. They also went above and beyond in their service. Would give 6 stars if I could. We will be signing up for the annual membership service because of genuine, trustworthy and effective partners like Ivan and Ariel. Carissa who scheduled our service was awesome as well.
Sandra C.
Kevin had a delightful personality and was very efficient during his visit. Great service, thank you!5/17/24Ruben and Jason did a great and superb job.
Jonathan W.
Marco was very helpful! Great company. I recommend him for any work you need done on your ac!
Stefano N.
Emmith came out to repair and service my HVAC unit. The whole process with Brody Pennell was exceptional - from my initial call to the actual service by Emmith. Incredibly professional organization and my unit is working perfectly now. I would highly recommend Emmith and Brody PennellDaniel B and Juan de Jesus came out to service my units. They did an excellent job - very professional, thorough and courteous. Would highly recommend them and Brody Pennell
Alyssa N.
Juan Molina was so efficient and nice! Very helpful and professional!!!
Diana S.
Daniel and Richie were great! So friendly, clean, and professional. They were very respectful of our home and the surroundings. We are happy to have our HVAC unit cared for by them.
Olivia E.
James H and Armando N were super helpful and professional. Very efficient work and great at explaining the issues.
Barbara B.
Tristan and Leo h were clean, quiet and respectful.
Rosa O.
05/17 Juancho and Juan c stopped by to repair a thermostat issue. They were on time, professional and answered all my questions. Our AC is fully functional. Thank you.Daniel b and Dan R were right on time. They were professional and completed the work timely and efficiently.03/05/24 we had 2 other tech come out Daniel B and Ifthy and Alessandro . They listened to all my concerns regarding the AC system. After trouble shooting they came back and explained the system and how it works. He even explained what repairs he recommended. Great service. Thank you guys.
Patrick H.
Anthony Manzo was here and on time and well dressed and very professional 👍🏽👍🏽
J C.
The great service started with David for service, then to Brett who set us up with an amazing new system. Installation was rapid and efficient, everyone was very clean and polite. Thanks to Hilario V, Juan D and Michael M for your hard work and professionalism
barney A.
Kevin and Juancho did a great job.
lina T.
Rene is very helpful & knowledgeable!
Ryan Z.
Shawn was very thorough and knowledgeable about heating and air. And a nice young man. Also, Mike I., Raul I., Pablo P. And Diego B. Great group of guys! Hard working and fast!
David mares was very professional. He went above and beyond.
Ronald W.
Juan J Carbajal solved my furnace issues lickety split. Now I can be warm at will, without stress. 5 stars!!!
Daniel V.
Steven and Freddy were awesome! So kind and helpful with their maintenance call. Happy to be a member with them!
Mario M. R.
Anthony Manzo was very thorough and courteous. He did a great job.
elaine M.
Richie Salazar and Juan DeJesus were professional, answered all my questions, and were a pleasure to work with.
Patrick O.
James is everything you want in an hvac technician. He walked me through every step, documented everything, and explained in detail how every piece of my AC system work, even getting down into the nitty gritty science at times ( and then politely dumb it for me). He did all this with an easy going personality. 6/5 stars.
Mr. H.
Juan Carbajal and César corrales did a great job fixing my unit was here on time and very informative would recommend these guys 10005/16/2024Daniel B. and Maurice did a great job andgave us a lot of information on our units. They should be in an office.
Paizley L.
Ariel and Philip were great - on time - very thorough and kind
Chris L.
Daniel B and Maurice were very efficient and friendly
Joanie N.
Ivan is very cordial and efficient. Fabio is also fantastic!
Sophie K.
Rene did an excellent and thorough job. Jose came to fix AC and did an excellent job as well! Juan c was super friendly and speedy. Amazing job.
Hamish M.
The True Measure of a ContractorIt’s easy to give a company high marks when everything goes smoothly. But let’s face it, sometimes things don’t go smoothly. And the true measure of a contractor is revealed in how they respond when things go wrong. Brody Pennell simply sets the standard that all others should aspire to.In a nutshell, my wife and I hired these wonderful human beings to do a major job at our townhouse: replacing the 30-year-old rooftop HVAC unit with a new, energy efficient one. Of course, before choosing them, we did our due diligence, secured four different bids and read all the reviews, etc.Brody’s was certainly not the least expensive estimate we received. But they also weren’t the most expensive. (Those guys who have the fancy retro graphics on their trucks were the most expensive… and yet their rep did not offer us the better equipment options that Brody did, he was slow to follow up, and just didn’t seem to care about winning our business.) And on the flipside, there was a contractor whose bid came in much cheaper. But he suggested that getting a permit for a major crane operation over a public sidewalk on a shared-property condominium building should be considered optional – giant red flag.In addition to having great reviews and a reasonable price, our interactions with Brody’s rep, Brian, were great. He was extremely knowledgeable, ridiculously responsive and just gave off good vibes. So we happily went with Brody Pennell and are so glad we did. They sent out their foreman, Jaime – another kind, courteous, professional man – to scout the job, got it scheduled quickly, even though it was around the Thanksgiving holiday, and showed up exactly when they said they would with every visit. The big installation itself went swimmingly. And again the Brody techs that did the bulk of the work were great representatives for the company.Then, after the work was complete, a couple of problems revealed themselves. I won’t go into extreme detail on this. But due to the custom curb mounting that the new machine required, there was an increase in vibrations into the house, which was unexpected from a new, more efficient machine. And there was a roof leak issue that occurred during the unprecedented rains that we had last winter.For both issues, Brody was on their game without us having to push them. They were simply committed to making things right for us from the beginning. The head of the company, Mike Carson, dealt with us directly, every step of the way. And the entire Brody team did everything in their power to get the issues fixed. This required several visits to the house, and sourcing subcontractors to deal with certain issues. To be clear, this wasn’t convenient for either us or them. And Brody likely ended up losing money on this job. But that never stopped them from doing what they needed to in order to make things right.That is what separates a great contractor from a serviceable one. And that is why we will be customers of theirs for life and will always recommend Brody Pennell to anyone who needs HVAC work done.5-16-24 Update: Just had another seasonal maintenance visit. This time from Kevin and Juancho who were fantastic and thorough. Keep up the great work, guys!
Sandra N.
Juan Molina has done a very good job and been very healpful
Maggie M.
Kevin & Juancho are awesome! Gave us great service today!!
John A.
David Mares is great at explaining HVAC details.
Rene was very kind and thorough. And showed up on time. Thank you Rene.
Jordan L.
Very good - cleaned everything.
Michael D.
Christian,Ale and Jose did a fantastic job installing our units and testing them to perfection! Thanks for all your help!
Rebeca M.
Armando N and James H did a great job.
David H.
Juan Romo was efficient knowledgeable andCurtiousPleasant to work with
Eric Z.
Leo H and Tristen came to the house for my summer check up. They are simply the best…. Professional, knowledgeable and took the time to explain the wear and tear on my unit and what I needed and not needed for the summer and beyond. It is always great when you find people you can trust to get the job done and have your best interest in mind as they do their job. I will request to have them be my “go to” team and I suggest you do as well.
Olivette S.
Juancho did a terrific job and very professional.
Stephen D.
Kevin Lopez is very professional, personable and thorough. He answered all our questions with clear answers. He’s a great representative of Brody Pennell.
Marsha D.
Kevin was very thorough and extremely pleasant. Great job!
Robin L.
Ivan Diaz & Hilton K. Thank you !
Gail S.
I sincerely commend both David Mares and Ashton, his supervisor, for the extreme conscientiousness and attention they gave to my aging heating and air conditioning systems. They both explained and objectively proved the nature of my system's aging out failures, and I find them very trustworthy. I know they are trying to help me secure the best solution on my budget as a retired person. I appreciate their respective services, which occurred on May 12, 2024.
Edward W.
Richie Salazar did an outstanding job with our annual inspection. Very courteous and very professional.
Update 5/14/24 Desi and edward came to do our annual service and were extremely professional and friendly. They explained their work and took videos to explain to us, what was going on w the hvac unit on the roof.Rene my service tech was great. On time, courteous and helpful. He gave me some helpful tips for my thermostat and vent maintenance. Thank you.
Andre S.
Kevin and Maurice were great tecks, and gave friendly service
Audrey G.
Juan Romo was so polite and thorough. Showed me pictures of all the components and the issues. Broke down all of my options and explained everything. He was extremely careful in my home and left no dirty trace of work being done. !!!!! The doormat, booties and gloves they use is great too !!!
Jacob S.
Great work / customer service! Special shout out to Juan Molina and team!
Ashley B.
Juan Molina and Richard were so helpful and professional and very clean. Thank you for your help guys!
Pamela J.
Anthony Manzo,Brett Turner, Mike and Raul I, Ben T and Rafael A gave me great service and excellent recommendations. They made sure I understood everything. Thanks!Cesar C and Hilton K did a great repairing my problem. They were on time , efficient, courteous and neat. Thank you!